Soccer Software


The Soccer Software site has been closed for the time being.

If you are using the old versions of the software that require codes from time to time, here is how to work out your code:

The registration request code is in following form:


The first two digits, in this example 51, are the version of the program. These can be ignored.

Then comes an “L” indicating it is the Logs program, or an “F” indicating Fixtures, or an “M” indicating Members.

Then follows six digits which must be split up into 3 two digit numbers.  So in our example they will be 12, 34 and 56.

These three numbers will be N1 , N2 and N3 in the formula below. So in our example N1=12 N2=34 N3=56.

Using these three numbers and noting which program it is, you apply the applicable formula below:

Logs:           (N1-1)*(N2-2) - (N3-3) + 167

Fixtures:     (N1-1)*(N2-2) - (N3-3) + 235

Members:  (N1-1)*(N2-2) - (N3-3) + 167


So in our example we are working out the code for Logs so the formula would be:

(12-1)*(34-2) – (56-3) +167 = 466    (because N1 =12, N2=34 and N3=56)